Sorry it's been a while...
After Paris, we returned to Bruges. The only memorable thing was eating a Belgian waffle ON A STICK!! Oh, and a nice big mug of hot chocolate with Amanda.
Then came our Amersfoort homestays... We went into Amsterdam Thursday and Friday, but spent the nights and weekend with our host families. Diana and I were partnered up, living with Kees and his wife Wilma. They were the sweetest couple, taking care of us like we were their own children (and they have 5!). Over the weekend, they took us to a cheese farm, a wooden shoe maker's h0use, and a market where I tried raw herring (still initiates the gag reflex when I talk about it...). They also got us hooked on tea and speculoos cookies (like ginger snaps without the ginger--just nutmeg, cinnamon, cloves, etc.).
Anyways, that weekend was super restful and wonderful. It felt great being back in a family.
Now it's Berlin time! Own apartments, cooking for ourselves, what's not to love?
1. Diana and I acting a little crazy on our home-stay
2. My "foreign parents" as they called themselves, Kees and Wilma
3. Dutch wooden shoes!
4. Amsterdam street and canal
5. Me attempting to eat the belgian waffle on a stick, smothered in belgian chocolate
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